PokeBun - Forum Interlude - Two Badge
Forum Interlude – Two Badge
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♦ Topic: Pokemon Kings
In: Boards ► Pokemon Evolutions
Tabitha_Natsume (Trainer)
Dear Forum,
I will raise the kings of the pokemon world.
To this end, I have captured and befriended a Krabby as well as a Slowpoke.
I am on the lookout for additional kings. Where might I find them within the Indigo league region?
Thank you,
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► ZacharyTweeee (Kanto Trainer, Four Badges)
Replied Today at 11:34:
King-like pokemon? Or just pokemon with King in their names?
► Tabitha_Natsume
Replied Today at 11:35:
Is there truly a difference?
Thank you,
► Casmiiii
Replied Today at 11:36:
I think there is. A king-like pokemon could be like… Arcanine are leaders of their packs. So are Machamps sometimes, since they’re the champs, you know?
► HoodedCorvus (Trainer)
Replied Today at 11:36:
I’d add Dragonite to that, they seem pretty kingly!
► Tabitha_Natsume
Replied Today at 11:37:
Dear Forum,
I see that asking the forums for advice was wrong, as usual.
Thank you,
► Anorithority (Professional Breeder)
Replied Today at 11:40:
Don’t be like that!
If you’re looking for pokemon with king in their names within the region, I think Nidoking and Kingdra are obvious stand-outs!
► Tabitha_Natsume
Replied Today at 11:42:
Dear Forum,
Nidoking and Kingdra. Yes, I can see those working.
Thank you,
♦ Topic: New Trainer News: Tabitha Natsume Wins First Badge (Zephyr)
In: Boards ► NewTrainerAutomatedNews
PokeNetBot07 (Porygon)
Today at 12:21 in Azalea Town, new trainer Tabitha Natsume obtained their first badge.
Bugsy Team Comp:
Weedle 25
Caterpie 42
Tabitha Natsume Team Comp:
Krabby “King Krabby”
Slowpoke “Slowking”
Fight video available for 30 days here: HIVE BADGE BUG GYM OFFICIAL
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► PsychicSabrina (Gym Leader)
Replied Today at 12:24:
Well done.
► Tabitha_Natsume
Replied Today at 12:35:
Dear Sister,
I do not need your congratulations. Nonetheless, they are welcome.
Thank you,
► I♥Imp
Replied Today at 12:38:
Go newbie! You can do it! <3 <3
Whoa! A gym leader! Hi! <3
This novel’s true home is a different platform. Support the author by finding it there.
♦ Topic: New Trainer News: Jazz Poison Wins Second Badge (Hive)
In: Boards ► NewTrainerAutomatedNews
PokeNetBot07 (Porygon)
Today at 11:31 in Azalea Town, new trainer Jazz Poison obtained their second badge.
Bugsy Team Comp:
Metapod 31
Kakuna 14
Scyther 12
Jazz Poison Team Comp:
Gastly “Sage”
NOTE: Mid-battle evolution of Bellsprout into Weepinbell.
Fight video available for 30 days here: HIVE BADGE BUG GYM OFFICIAL
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► I♥Imp
Replied Today at 11:38:
Go newbie! You can do it! <3 <3
► The Superest Venom (Battle Analyst)
Replied Today at 11:40:
A mid-fight evolution? Damn, gotta watch this one!
► JortJortJort
Replied Today at 11:48:
Huh, interesting gimmick here. We don’t see too many Poison-specialists in Kanto. At least, that’s what I’m assuming with the three Poison-types and the name.
► Tigera (Not a Meowth)
Replied Today at 11:51:
Is Zubat Poison-type?
► The Superest Venom (Battle Analyst)
Replied Today at 11:54:
Zubat is Poison-type, yeah. Also, finished watching the whole fight. Went in just to see the evolution, but ended up watching the whole thing.
Girl’s got some potential. A few slip-ups, and her move repertoire needs work. It might be too late in this circuit for her, but if she comes back next year with a fully-evolved team and some more training, I think she could make it to eight badges.
► Jazz_Poison (Trainer)
Replied Today at 1:45
Thank you! I’ll be going all the way this season!
♦ Topic: New Trainer News: Broccoli Bunch Wins Second Badge (Hive)
In: Boards ► NewTrainerAutomatedNews
PokeNetBot07 (Porygon)
Today at 12:10 in Azalea Town, new trainer Broccoli Bunch obtained their second badge.
Bugsy Team Comp:
Weedle 42
Kakuna 15
Beedrill 7
Broccoli Bunch Team Comp:
Buneary “Chaos Cuddles Cauliflower”
Fight video available for 30 days here: HIVE BADGE BUG GYM OFFICIAL
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► I♥Imp
Replied Today at 12:20
Go newbie! You can do it! <3 <3
► Neil_H
Replied Today at 12:20
I was in the stands today, I’m still waiting for my cousin’s first fight to start in a bit. That buneary used Fire-type moves. I didn’t know they could do that.
I think the trainer might be a buneary breeder? She had a costume with ears.
► TheBunearyMan (Breeder)
Replied Today at 12:31
Buneary can’t learn any Fire-type moves.
► Neil_H
Replied Today at 12:32
It’s not like there’s video evidence… oh, wait!
► Broccoli_Bunch (Trainer)
Replied Today at 12:40
Jdsnf;sdfn df sdf sdf lkf jbndf jikdfn fdfdk dknf df df jdfj dfenwj
Asdlk; qwp .df,sm ;klsdf j;o fskopw ek
Ekwf fsmdkl
D smkf;fdsm
Sdf ;dl sf
► Charlie Eleeyah (Trainer)
Replied Today at 12:41
That… that answers nothing.
► Broccoli_Bunch (Trainer)
Replied Today at 12:42
Sorry! That was Marill! She’s learning how to type. She wants to thank everyone that watched our fight! Thank you for supporting us!